Home is Where the Heart Is
Home is where the heart is. Did you know that there are 2.3 percent more people who are experiencing homelessness that die in one year than people with homes in 42 years. This statistic fills me with sadness because no one should feel that they do not have a home or die because of homelessness!
Home is where the heart is. Home is a safe place to live filled with love and enjoyment. Home can be any place you live if you live with people you love and you do the things you enjoy. I enjoy playing in my backyard with my family and playing nerf guns at home with my dad and brothers.
Home is where the heart is. Home means a place where I spend time with my family. Home can be anywhere and you can make any place feel like home. When I go on vacation with my family we spend time together making memories just like we do at home.
Home is where the heart is. Home means a place where I can be myself. When I am at home I like to spend time in my room because I can be myself and do what I want in private. I like to watch shows in my room, play video games, and relax and sleep. My bed is really comfortable and I feel I sleep best in my own bed. I set up my pillows and blankets the way I am most comfortable.
Home is where the heart is. To me home means a safe place with loved ones, filled with enjoyment where you can do whatever you want, when you want to, and be most comfortable.
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