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The Meaning of Home

Home is where the heart is. Hey, that is what I'm writing about. You know a home is not just 4 walls and a roof, it's a big spacious loving place. I will be writing about the comfort of a home, the safety and the love. I believe a home should be comfortable, for example you should be able to share your feelings and have a yard to play in or it could mean not being put against your will and being thought of. Also, a home should be safe. A home should not be full of mold, wild animals or bugs. It should have a good structure and shouldn’t be falling apart. Last but not least, a home should be full of love. Love could mean the laughter from your family after you tell a joke, or the support from your siblings. People who love you will stand up for you. As you can see, a home is not just a roof and 4 walls. A home means so much more than that. A home is full of comfort, safety and love. Everyone deserves a good home.


Grade 5

Emerson, Manitoba

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